Is Fenbendazole For Humans Cancer Safe

The anthelmintic drug fenbendazole is used to treat parasites in animals. It has also been found to reduce cancer cell growth in laboratory experiments, but it’s still a long way from being approved for use as a human cancer treatment. This is because a drug that works in animal models may not work the same in people. It is important for patients to discuss any alternative treatments with their doctors.

In recent years, posts claiming that a dog deworming medication called fenbendazole cures cancer have become popular on social media platforms such as Facebook and TikTok. The posts are based on the anecdotal account of Joe Tippens, a man with a cancer diagnosis who claimed that his cancer went into remission after he began taking fenbendazole. These claims have led to the creation of a self-directed treatment plan for cancer called the Joe Tippens protocol.

While the anecdotal reports of people whose cancers went into remission after taking fenbendazole are encouraging, these stories lack scientific evidence. A person should always consult their doctor before taking any medication, including dietary supplements or herbs.

Researchers from the Panjab University in India have discovered that fenbendazole, or FZ, inhibits the growth of human non-small cell lung cancer cells in vitro. The team studied the effects of FZ on a protein scaffold known as microtubules. In contrast to textbook depictions of cells, which often portray amorphous bags of various cellular components floating in a fluid, the real cells establish shape and structure through this protein network. Microtubules form a ring around the nucleus, and they are important for cell division. To investigate the effects of fenbendazole on this process, the team treated tumor cells with different concentrations of the drug and analyzed them using immunofluorescence techniques.

They found that fenbendazole causes the formation of microtubules to be disrupted. This interferes with the chromosome segregation process during cell division, which is important for maintaining the integrity of the cell’s DNA and ensuring that each daughter cell receives equal amounts of genetic information. The drugs also reduced the proliferation of the cancer cells by triggering apoptosis. This is accomplished by a combination of factors, including mitochondrial injury and caspase-3-dependent poly (ADP) ribose) polymerase-dependent apoptosis.

A further study on the effect of fenbendazole in mice showed that it reduces the size of tumors when administered in vivo. Mice that were administered the drug for 12 days experienced a reduction in the amount of tumours they developed when compared to controls.

The researchers say they haven’t tested the drug in humans, but they do expect it to be effective in reducing the size of human cancers. They have published their results in the journal Scientific Reports. The authors have disclosed that they have financial interests in Benizole Therapeutics, PBC, which has a patent on mebendazole. They have also revealed that they are inventors on intellectual property related to mebendazole, and their employer has a conflict of interest policy. fenbendazole for humans cancer






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